In my website their is a module in which I m retrieving the data from the student master table..
In my gridview their are 5 columns (Student Id,Student name,Roll no,and a checkbox column,Date Textbox column which is empty) in which the data is retrieved from student master table....
I m adding the date in the textbox which is out of the gridview and when i check the checkbox for each student the data is stored in another table in database with a status as present for the checked students and absent for the unchecked students...
What i want is dat when i check the student and i select the date for the student and the data is entered in new table after all this i wld not be allowed to make the attendance for the same student for the same date bt i wld be allowed to mark attendance for the same student for another date..
for example i check the checkbox for the student "Rohit" and entered the date 1/1/13 and rohit is stored with status present in the another table for date 1/1/13 and now he shld be disabled so dat i wld not be able to mark his attendance for the date 1/1/13 and prevent the duplication...Bt after dat i would be allowed to mark "Rohit's" attendance for the date 2/1/13...
means he should be disabled for the sinlge date...
pllzz reply me as soon as possible.....