This was the kind of step-by-step direction i was talking about.
I followed these steps to import my local MSSQL database to live database server.
1. Download SQL Server Management Studio Express 18.1.1, then launched the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio program.
2. Connect to your local SQL Server instance. Instructions for configuring this can be found here.
3. In the Object Explorer section, right-click on Databases and choose New Database....
4. In the pop-up window, enter the Database name (it should match the database you plan to import) in the text field and click OK.
5. Right-click on this new database, hover over Tasks, then Restore. On this expanded area, click Database....
6. On the pop-up window, select Device: and click ....
7. On the second pop-up window, click Add.
8. Locate the .bak file you are restoring from your local computer files, then click OK.
9. Click OK on the second pop-up window.
10. Click Options under the Select a page column on the left.
11. Check to Overwrite the existing database (WITH REPLACE).
12. Click OK to restore the database.
13. Click OK to dismiss the restored successfully pop-up window.
14. Right-click on your database, hover over Tasks, then click Generate Scripts....
15. In the Choose Objects step, deselect Users, Database Roles and Schemas.
16. Continue following the prompts to generate a script.sql file onto your local computer.
17. Connect to the new Plesk Database remotely by Selecting File, then Connect Object Explorer.
18. Choose SQL Server Authentication, then enter the your new Plesk Database credentials.
19. Click File, hover over Open and click File....
20. Select your newly created script.sql file and click Open.
21. Click Execute in the main panel to import the script.sql file into your new database.
NEXT STEP: Use the Plesk File Manager to upload your files.