I have a question.
I made edited input field with ng-model.
for example,
@for (int i = 0; i < Model.ApptBreakdown011.Count; i++)
<input type="number" name="@Model.ApptBreakdown011[i].TotalAppDoller" value="@Model.ApptBreakdown011[i].TotalAppDoller" ng-model="TotalAppo01" />
I need to show "@Model.ApptBreakdown011[i].TotalAppDoller" to the input field and edit that number with ng-model.
but it could not edit that number and always fixed the number in input field it could not changable.
please help me which Angualar.js for editable with values.
public ActionResult Edit01(int? id)
return View(new DemoEmployee.Total() { OverView011 = db.OverViews.Where(x => x.Id == id).ToList(), Footfall011 = db.Footfalls.Where(x => x.Keys == id).ToList(), ApptBreakdown011 = db.ApptBreakdowns.Where(x => x.Keys == id).ToList(), FeedBack011 = db.FeedBacks.Where(x => x.Keys == id).ToList() });
public ActionResult Edit01(Total total)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
return View();