------------import barter syatem aspx ------excel format
i am importing the excel file into the database.Kindly check the excel file format. As you can see there are 4 entries. What is happening is that reader is reading the 4 entries from the file and after reading the 4th entry(4th row), it again goes into the while loop.
After reading the 4th entry, it should delete the file. Kindly check my code for upload.
here my problem is reader. It goes into the while loop for the fifth time which is not correct
while (dr.Read())
ex_id = dr[0].ToString();
string ex_uid = dr[1].ToString();
//get second row data and assign it ex_name variable
string ex_date = dr[2].ToString();
//get thirdt row data and assign it ex_name variable
string ex_dir = dr[3].ToString();
if (System.IO.File.Exists(Excel_path))