Can we convert the console c# application into c# windows application
The following code is in c# console application. i need help into convert into c# or windows application.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace SplitFANUCProgram
static class Program
private static string ThisExecutableName => AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName;
private static string VersionNumber => Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString();
private static string BuildDate
Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
return new DateTime(2000, 1, 1)
.AddSeconds(version.Revision * 2).ToString("o");
private const string cncProgramFileExtension = "";
private const string defaultCNCprogramName = "C:\\temp\\ALL-PROG.TXT"; //Uknown";
private const char programDelimiter = '%';
private const int minimumProgramSize = 7;
/// <summary>
/// The left side of the OR (|) describes an "O Number", the original CNC program name structure, consisting of an "O" followed by 4 to 8 numbers
/// The right side of the OR (|) describes the new FANUC 32 character alphanumeric program name. Must end in either .NC or .CNC
/// </summary>
private const string oNumberPattern = @"^(O\d{4,8}|<\w+.c?nc>)";
static int Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length != 1)
return 1;
FileInfo backupFile;
backupFile = new(args[0]);
catch (Exception err)
return err.HResult;
if (!backupFile.Exists)
return 2;
// Make a subfolder named like the filename to hold all the programs we split out of it
string outputFolder = Path.Combine(backupFile.DirectoryName, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(backupFile.Name));
{ // Fail gracefully
outputFolder = backupFile.DirectoryName;
SplitALLPROGtxt(backupFile, outputFolder);
// Success
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// Split cnc programs found in the text file and save them as individual files
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Full path to "ALL-PROG.TXT"</param>
private static void SplitALLPROGtxt(FileInfo backupFile, string outputFolder)
foreach (string cncProgramText in GetCNCProgams(backupFile.FullName))
string programFileName = GetProgramNameFromHeader(cncProgramText);
if (programFileName.Length < 1) { programFileName = defaultCNCprogramName; }
string outputFilename = Path.Combine(outputFolder, programFileName + cncProgramFileExtension);
File.WriteAllTextAsync(outputFilename, cncProgramText);
Console.WriteLine("CREATED FILE: " + outputFilename);
catch (Exception err)
Console.WriteLine("ERROR " + err.HResult + ": " + err.Message);
Console.WriteLine("FAILED TO CREATE FILE: " + outputFilename);
/// <summary>
/// Searches for program names in CNC program headers
/// </summary>
/// <param name="cncProgramText">The full text of a CNC program</param>
/// <returns>The program name from the header</returns>
private static string GetProgramNameFromHeader(string cncProgramText)
return Regex.Match(cncProgramText, oNumberPattern, RegexOptions.Multiline).Value;
/// <summary>
/// Reads a text file and attempts to split out CNC programs found within
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Full path to "ALL-PROG.TXT"</param>
/// <returns>Each string is a whole CNC program</returns> string fileName
static IEnumerable<string> GetCNCProgams(string fileName)
StringBuilder content = new();
/// Searches for CNC programs between program name symbols
foreach (string line in File.ReadLines(fileName))
if (Regex.IsMatch(line, oNumberPattern))
if (content.Length > minimumProgramSize)
{ // Return the file we have in the buffer
yield return CncProgramText(content);
// Start a new file
content = new();
// Once we reach the end we will have the final program in the buffer.
yield return CncProgramText(content);
static string CncProgramText(StringBuilder content)
// Add % to the top
content.Insert(0, Environment.NewLine);
content.Insert(0, programDelimiter);
// Add % to the bottom when missing
#pragma warning disable S1854 // Unused assignments should be removed
int lastCharIndex = Environment.NewLine.Length + 1;
#pragma warning restore S1854 // Unused assignments should be removed
if (content[^lastCharIndex] != programDelimiter) { content.AppendLine(programDelimiter.ToString()); }
return content.ToString();
private static void NotFoundError(string fileName)
Console.WriteLine("File not found: " + fileName);
static void DisplayHelp()
Console.WriteLine(@"At least one argument required. Enter only the path of the file you would like to split.EXAMPLE:
" + ThisExecutableName + " \"C:\\temp\\ALL-PROG.TXT\"" + Environment.NewLine);
private static void DisplayHeader()
Console.WriteLine(Environment.NewLine + "Split FANUC Program Backup Version " + VersionNumber + " Build Date: " + BuildDate);