i m using two ajax jquery function,each individual calling different method and return value to their respective jquery function.
in Using jQuery
i have 2 ajax jquery method,which call two indepent different function and return different data.
i m returning data by response.d and response1.d
can i use different word in place of d???
<script type="text/javascript">
function consultantchat() {
$(function () {
var r = document.getElementById("<%=txtmanagerid.ClientID%>").value;
var s = document.getElementById("<%=txtconsultantid.ClientID%>").value;
//var r = 2;
//var s = 13;
type: "POST",
url: "chat.aspx/GetChatDatas1",
data: '{managerid: "' + r + '",consultantid:"' + s + '"}',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: OnSuccess1,
//error: function (r) { alert(r.responseText); }
return false;
function OnSuccess1(response1) {
var chatDatas1 = response1.d;
var row1 = null;
row1 = $("[id*=grdchat1] tr:last-child").clone(true);
<script type="text/javascript">
function clientchat() {
$(function () {
var m = document.getElementById("<%=txtmanagerid.ClientID%>").value;
var n = document.getElementById("<%=txtclientid.ClientID%>").value;
//var m = 2;
//var n = 3;
type: "POST",
url: "chat.aspx/GetChatDatas",
data: '{managerid: "' + m + '",clientid:"' + n + '"}',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
dataType: "json",
success: OnSuccess,
//error: function (r) { alert(r.responseText); }
return false;
function OnSuccess(response) {
var chatDatas = response.d;
var row = null;
row = $("[id*=grdchat] tr:last-child").clone(true);