Dear All,
Could you please help me with the below query :-
Here I am not understaning how to get the Date values AS shows below
This query is scheduled to run on every day Night at 12AM - Monday to Friday. If the query Runs on Monday night than I should get the data for the Friday, Saturday and Sunday dates, however other wise just get the data for the prious date like, If the query runs on Tuesday night than I should get the Monday data and If the Query runs on Wednesday night than i should get the Tuesday data.. similar
way it goes on till Friday.
We should not hardcode any dates here
Create Table #Users1
UniQueNumber Varchar(50),
FName varchar (50),
LName Varchar (50),
CreateDate Datetime
INSERT INTO #Users1 Values ('44354','Kumar','Shruthi-hh','06-21-2016 00:10:000')
INSERT INTO #Users1 Values ('44254','Shankar','Raj','06-22-2016 01:18:000')
INSERT INTO #Users1 Values ('34154','Babu','Swamy-k','06-23-2016 06:10:000')
INSERT INTO #Users1 Values ('35054','Mani','Kanta','06-24-2016 06:10:000')
INSERT INTO #Users1 Values ('35055','dsfdf','ett','06-25-2016 06:10:000')
INSERT INTO #Users1 Values ('35056','sss','sfd','06-26-2016 06:10:000')
INSERT INTO #Users1 Values ('35057','jkhk','sdd','06-27-2016 06:10:000')
INSERT INTO #Users1 Values ('35058','eer','s','06-30-2016 06:10:000')
INSERT INTO #Users1 Values ('35059','er','j','07-01-2016 06:10:000')
We should not hardcode any dates here
If the query runs on Monday (27th June) then I should get the result below:-
UniQueNumber Fname LName Date
35054 Mani Kanta 06-24-2016 06:10:000
35055 dsfdf ett 06-25-2016 06:10:000
35056 sss sfd 06-26-2016 06:10:000
If the query runs on Tuesday (28th June) then I should get the result below:-
UniQueNumber Fname LName Date
35057 jkhk sdd 06-27-2016 06:10:000
If the query runs on Friday(1st July) then I should get the result below:-
UniQueNumber Fname LName Date
35058 eer s 06-30-2016 06:10:000
If the query runs on Monday(4th July) then I should get the result below:-
UniQueNumber Fname LName Date
35059 er j 07-01-2016 06:10:000
Could you please help me, As I am new to SQL , please help,