I have div which has an input for creating the radio button dynamically i need to check one value by default.
Suppose if we have Male, Female, None as 3 radio buttons, upon dropdown change i need to select None which might be in any position.
How can i do this?
('<div class="IRB">
<span class="c1">
<input id="' + cId.slice(1) + '_Gender_' + this.GenderId + '" class="htmlControl" data-GenderDesc="' + this.Gender + '" type="radio" ' + ($.trim(this.Gender.toLocaleLowerCase()) === "male" ? 'checked' : '') + ' name = "' + cId.slice(1) + '_radio" value="' + this.GenderId + '" onclick=onClick(this)>
<span class="radioStyle"></span></span >
<label for="' + cId.slice(1) + '_Status_' + this.GenderId + '" class="form_label"> ' + this.Gender+ '</label>