Hello forum,
Please I really need to know how to make this logic work and I hope I get a better idea on how to do this.
Is there a way to retain layout designs of templates for bulk or multiple templates before printing?
What I mean is, if I am creating bulk gift cards to be sent to multiple people and I am on a webpage where I have the card information display on the card; on this page is also where I can change the default design of the gift card by changing the label color, fonts, or background design etc. then after I finish with the design, I can save that design so that when I want to print the gift card for each recipient, I will simply click on recipient (maybe in a GridView) and the gift card will appear with the name of the recipient and the design that was attached to the card. Then I can print.
In summary, I have information display in a GridView from database of the recipients I registered. When I click on the GridView row, it redirects me to a page where the recipient information is displayed with other information and background image that shows from database on the card. From there, I can change label fonts and color. After changing the label color and fonts, I can retain that design for card so that when I am adding another recipient, that design will still be used on that card.
Another thing to note is that designs retained for a particular card can or cannot be used depending if the user wants to retain the same design for other cards. For example, if I create an invitation card for an event, the card name will be called “invitation”, and will be saved into the database. On the GridView I click the card name and it redirects to where I can add card recipients. After adding recipient, it will redirect to where I can affect some designs on the card.
I hope the different explanations made here are easily understandable
I have only my HTML design below because I don’t really know how to go about this. That’s why I am here asking for help and directions. Thank you
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