currently lots of things r done but with some issues hope it gets cleared 1) FF issue i mean the script that i have doesnot work with FF 2)i have a grid with few columns & the grid has scroll bar the grid does not fit in one screen so need to scroll the browser when a grid header column is clicked a div control gets displayed nr that column & works fine with browser scroll when the browser is scrolled the div control moves with the column but if i use the grid scroll bar the div control doesnot move with the column hope the query/issues r clear
i have grid scroll
var gs= document.getElementById('<%=grid1.ClientID %>')
gs.onscroll = function()?????????
gs.onscroll =
In the function write code to hide your hover menu DIV
i posted as i was not getting even on having;
Use = "none"
no icant make it visible false until the next click event
the div needs to scroll along with the column or in other words fix the div to the clicked column when scrolling occurs