Hey dorsa,
Please refer below sample.
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="select">
<asp:CheckBox ID="chkSelect" runat="server" OnCheckedChanged="OnCheckedChanged" AutoPostBack="true" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="RoomTitle" HeaderText="RoomTitle" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="DayWeek" HeaderText="DayWeek" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="EndDate" HeaderText="EndTime" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="StartDate" HeaderText=" StartTime" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ProfessorLastName" HeaderText="ProfessorLastName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ProfessorFirstName" HeaderText="ProfessorName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="LessonCode" HeaderText="LessonCode" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="LessonTitle" HeaderText="LessonTitle" />
using System.Data;
Imports System.Data
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!this.IsPostBack)
this.GridView1.DataSource = GetData();
private DataTable GetData()
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] {
new DataColumn("LessonTitle", typeof(string)),
new DataColumn("LessonCode", typeof(string)),
new DataColumn("ProfessorFirstName", typeof(string)),
new DataColumn("ProfessorLastName", typeof(string)),
new DataColumn("StartDate", typeof(string)),
new DataColumn("EndDate", typeof(string)),
new DataColumn("DayWeek", typeof(string)),
new DataColumn("RoomTitle", typeof(string)) });
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962001", "john", "leni", "10:00:00", "11:30:00", "Saturday", "201");
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962001", "john", "leni", "09:00:00", "10:30:00", "Sunday", "201");
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962001", "john", "leni", "11:00:00", "12:30:00", "Monday", "201");
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962216", "ali", "brn", "14:00:00", "16:30:00", "Saturday", "202");
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962216", "ali", "brn", "16:30:00", "18:00:00", "Tuesday", "301");
dt.Rows.Add("operating System", "962101", "sara", "kan", "08:00:00", "09:00:00", "Tuesday", "301");
return dt;
protected void OnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
GridViewRow selectedRow = (sender as CheckBox).NamingContainer as GridViewRow;
string lessionName = selectedRow.Cells[8].Text;
string firstName = selectedRow.Cells[6].Text;
if ((sender as CheckBox).Checked)
DataRow[] dr = GetData().Select("ProfessorFirstName='" + firstName + "' AND LessonTitle = '" + lessionName + "'");
if (dr.Length > 1)
foreach (GridViewRow row in GridView1.Rows)
string lession = row.Cells[8].Text;
string name = row.Cells[6].Text;
if (lessionName.ToLower().Trim() == lession.ToLower().Trim() && firstName.ToLower().Trim() == name.ToLower().Trim())
(row.FindControl("chkSelect") as CheckBox).Checked = true;
(sender as CheckBox).Checked = false;
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
Me.GridView1.DataSource = GetData()
End If
End Sub
Private Function GetData() As DataTable
Dim dt As DataTable = New DataTable()
dt.Columns.AddRange(New DataColumn() {New DataColumn("LessonTitle", GetType(String)), New DataColumn("LessonCode", GetType(String)), New DataColumn("ProfessorFirstName", GetType(String)), New DataColumn("ProfessorLastName", GetType(String)), New DataColumn("StartDate", GetType(String)), New DataColumn("EndDate", GetType(String)), New DataColumn("DayWeek", GetType(String)), New DataColumn("RoomTitle", GetType(String))})
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962001", "john", "leni", "10:00:00", "11:30:00", "Saturday", "201")
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962001", "john", "leni", "09:00:00", "10:30:00", "Sunday", "201")
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962001", "john", "leni", "11:00:00", "12:30:00", "Monday", "201")
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962216", "ali", "brn", "14:00:00", "16:30:00", "Saturday", "202")
dt.Rows.Add("mathematical1", "962216", "ali", "brn", "16:30:00", "18:00:00", "Tuesday", "301")
dt.Rows.Add("operating System", "962101", "sara", "kan", "08:00:00", "09:00:00", "Tuesday", "301")
Return dt
End Function
Protected Sub OnCheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim selectedRow As GridViewRow = TryCast((TryCast(sender, CheckBox)).NamingContainer, GridViewRow)
Dim lessionName As String = selectedRow.Cells(8).Text
Dim firstName As String = selectedRow.Cells(6).Text
If (TryCast(sender, CheckBox)).Checked Then
Dim dr As DataRow() = GetData().[Select]("ProfessorFirstName='" & firstName & "' AND LessonTitle = '" & lessionName & "'")
If dr.Length > 1 Then
For Each row As GridViewRow In GridView1.Rows
Dim lession As String = row.Cells(8).Text
Dim name As String = row.Cells(6).Text
If lessionName.ToLower().Trim() = lession.ToLower().Trim() AndAlso firstName.ToLower().Trim() = name.ToLower().Trim() Then
TryCast(row.FindControl("chkSelect"), CheckBox).Checked = True
End If
TryCast(sender, CheckBox).Checked = False
End If
End If
End Sub