My logo image does not show in body of email
I tried to use this code but maybe I have not added the image path as its supposed to be
private AlternateView Mail_Body(string activationCode)
string user = txtname.Text;
string body = "<img src='images/mylogo.png' id='img' alt ='' width ='150px' height ='40px' />";
body += "<p Style='font-size: 14px;'>Hello " + user + ",</p>";
body += "<p Style='font-size: 14px;'>You just created a new account.</p>";
body += "<p Style='font-size: 14px;'>Click the button below to confirm your email and activate your account.</p>";
body += "<br /><a style='display: block; width: 150px; height: 25px; background: #32CD32;padding: 7px;font-family: Graphik; text-align:center; font-size: 11pt; border-radius: 5px;color: white;font-weight: 500;text-decoration: none;'>Activate Account</a>";
body += "<p Style='font-size: 14px;'>Best Regards,</p>";
body += "<p Style='font-size: 14px;'>The Admin.</p>";
ContentType mimeType = new System.Net.Mime.ContentType("text/html");
AlternateView alternate = AlternateView.CreateAlternateViewFromString(body, mimeType);
return alternate;
But in my code its
Another thing that came in my mind is that maybe the image is not showing because the image path comes directly from the image folder.
Do I have to add an HTML image control that references the image on my HTML page for the image to show in the email?