Add a functionality to the ACCEPT button such that whenever a particular alert is accepted the accept button for that particular alert should be disabled.
There are two files one is the alert.html file
@if (Model.AlertsVM != null)
foreach (var item in Model.AlertsVM)
<td style="display: none">@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Id)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.InstallationId)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.InstallationName)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.AlertName)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.Status)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.GenerationTime)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.AcceptedBy)
<td>@Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.LastUpdated)
<td>@Html.ActionLink("Accept", "Accept", new
id = item.Id,
acceptedby = item.AcceptedBy,
installationid = item.InstallationId,
parameterid = item.ParameterId,
clientid = item.ClientId,
nodeId = item.NodeId,
alarmuserid = item.AlarmUserId,
alarmdetailuserid = item.AlarmDetailUserId,
alertstatus = item.AlertStatus
}, new { @class = "actionlink clsAccept", @id = "btnAccept" })
<td>@Html.ActionLink("Detail", "Details", new
id = item.Id
}, new { @class = "actionlink", @id = "btnDetail" })
And another is the controller file for this accept button
public ActionResult Accept(Int64 id, string acceptedby, int installationid, int parameterid, int? clientid, int alertstatus, string nodeid, Int32 alarmuserid, Int64 alarmdetailuserid)
LogWriter.WriteLog(new LogDTO() { FunctionName = "Accept", LogStringLevel = LoggingLevel.Detail, ClassName = this.GetType().Name, AdditionalInfo = "Start - " });
/* MERGED */
// Changes for FIX ALT - 854 - Nishchal Shrimali
string strTopic = string.Empty;
CallCenterBL callCenterBL = new CallCenterBL();
// SaveSnooze(id);
// Redirect to alert list page if alert is already closed
ReturnDTO returnDTOAlertDetail = callCenterBL.GetAlertDetails(id);
if (returnDTOAlertDetail.message == ReturnCodes.NO_DATA_FOUND)
TempData["error"] = rsCaption.ALERT_HAS_BEEN_CLOSED;
return Redirect("/CallCenter/Alerts");
// Changes for FIX ALT - 854 - Nishchal Shrimali
if (clientid != null && clientid > 0)
strTopic = clientid + "/cmd/alarm/" + parameterid;
List<AlertEventDetails> alertEventDetails = (List<AlertEventDetails>)returnDTOAlertDetail.Data;
AlertEventDetails alertEventDetailsfromdb = alertEventDetails.Find(x => x.InstallationId == installationid);
strTopic = alertEventDetailsfromdb.ClientId + "/cmd/alarm/" + parameterid;
LogWriter.WriteLog(new LogDTO() { FunctionName = "Accept", LogStringLevel = LoggingLevel.Detail, ClassName = this.GetType().Name, AdditionalInfo = "Accept else case Ln 372 alertEventDetailsfromdb.ClientId : " + alertEventDetailsfromdb.ClientId });
Alarm alarm = new Alarm
AlarmId = id,
InstallationId = installationid,
ParameterId = parameterid,
NodeId = nodeid,
AlarmUserId = alarmuserid,
AlarmDetailUserId = alarmdetailuserid,
AlarmStatus = AssistedLiving.BatchProcessor.Global.DataTypes.AlarmStatus.InProgress,//InProgress
AlarmDetail = new AlarmDetail
AcknowledgeType = AssistedLiving.BatchProcessor.Global.DataTypes.AcknowledgeType.Accept,//Accept
AlarmDetailUserId = GetAlertUserId(),
ReturnCode = AssistedLiving.BatchProcessor.Global.DataTypes.ReturnCodes.SUCCESS
string mqttMessage = GetJsonString(alarm);
sdkController = SDKController.GetSDKInstance(GetMqttInfo(), out client);
if (acceptedby == null)
//check if alarm status is Pending
if (alertstatus == 1)
//Publish MQTT topic for accept the alert
sdkController.SendCallCenterRequest(strTopic, mqttMessage);
//CallCenterBL callCenterBL = new CallCenterBL();
AcceptAlertDetails acceptAlertDetails = new AcceptAlertDetails();
acceptAlertDetails.AlertId = id;
acceptAlertDetails.UserId = CommonMethods.GetCurrentSession().userid;
acceptAlertDetails.LastUpdated = DateTime.Now;
acceptAlertDetails.Status = 2;//UnSent
//Save alert deails in database
ReturnDTO returnDTO = callCenterBL.SaveAlertDetails(acceptAlertDetails);
//Publish MQTT topic to refresh the page
sdkController.SendCallCenterRequest(clientid + "/cmd/alarm_refresh/" + parameterid, mqttMessage);
if (returnDTO.message == ReturnCodes.SUCCESS)
TempData["msg"] = rsCaption.ACCEPTED_SUCCESSFULLY;
catch (Exception ex)
LogWriter.WriteLog(new LogDTO() { FunctionName = "Accept", LogStringLevel = LoggingLevel.Exceptional, ExceptionString = ex.Message, StackTrace = Convert.ToString(ex.StackTrace), AdditionalInfo = "Exception -", ClassName = this.GetType().Name });
ModelState.AddModelError("", rsMessage.SERVICE_NOT_RESPONDING);
TempData["error"] = ex.Message;
return Redirect("/CallCenter/Alerts");
LogWriter.WriteLog(new LogDTO() { FunctionName = "Accept", LogStringLevel = LoggingLevel.Detail, ClassName = this.GetType().Name, AdditionalInfo = "End - " });
return Redirect("/CallCenter/Details/" + id);
Please provide possible solution to do this