How do i update dropdown D by selecting dowpdown A, B and C
How to select a particular intem from item table and display it on drowpdown
Example table
ID UserName Inches Category Item qty
1 mic33 5inches Machin mold block 30
2 mic33 6inches Hand mold Interlock 70
3 mic33 9inches Hollow block 120
so now if i have sales page and i have dropdown like
Dropdown inches / data- 5iches, 6inches, 9inches
Dropdown Category/ data- Machin mold, hand mold, hollow
Dropdown Item / data- block, interlock, block
Dropdrown qty / data- 30, 70, 120
then textbox price
Now if user selects 5inches from inches dropdown and selects machine mold from category dropdown, then selects block from item dropdown
it will update dropdown qty with 30