If you need to save only checked values then you need to check the checked property. If the checkbox is checked then save in db like below.
string chkboxLevel = "";
if (checkbox1.Checked)
chkboxLevel += checkbox1.Text + ",";
if (checkbox2.Checked)
chkboxLevel += checkbox2.Text + ",";
if (checkbox3.Checked)
chkboxLevel += checkbox3.Text + ",";
chkboxLevel = chkboxLevel.Substring(0, chkboxLevel.Length - 1);
string query = "insert into Question(Question , Answer, Chapter_name, Question_type_id,Level ) values('" + txtquestion.Text + "','" + txtanswer.Text + "','" + ddlchaptername.SelectedIndex + "','" + ddlquestionlevel.SelectedIndex + "','" + chkboxLevel + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query, clsDataAccess.Conn);
txtquestion.Text = string.Empty;
txtanswer.Text = string.Empty;
checkbox1.Text = string.Empty;
checkbox2.Text = string.Empty;
checkbox3.Text = string.Empty;