I would like to add If statement contains, and greater or equal, or less then with the background colors and font-color for the radioband in C#
I have radioband contains
400 : background color = light green and font color= black
433 to 499 : background color = dark green and font color= white
800, 801…to 899 : background color = yellow and font color= black
900 : background color = light blue and font color= black
901 to 939 : background color = brown and font color= white
940, 941… to 990 : background color = red and font color= white
<div class="col-7 dffdc" style="align-items: flex-start; justify-content: space-evenly; height: inherit;">
<div class=" noPad">
<div class="glance-text">
<div title="<%=item.SensorName%> - <%=item.RadioBand %>" class="glance-name" style="overflow: hidden; white-space: nowrap; text-overflow: ellipsis; max-width: 215px;">
<%= item.SensorName%><br /><%:item.RadioBand %>
public void SetRadioBand ()
if (RadioBand.Contains("900"))
Should be backgroundcolor: light blue and fontcolor: black
else if (RadioBand.Contains("868"))
Should be backgroundcolor: yellow and fontcolor: black
else if (RadioBand.Contains("800"))
Should be backgroundcolor: yellow and fontcolor: black
else if (RadioBand.Contains("400"))
Should be backgroundcolor: yellow and fontcolor:black
else if (RadioBand.Contains("433"))
Should be backgroundcolor: teal and font color black
else if (RadioBand.Contains("920))
Should be backgroundcolor yellow and font color black
else if (RadioBand is greater or equal 901 and less than 939
Should be backgroundcolor yellow and font color black
else if (RadioBand is greater than 433 and less than 499
Should be background purple and font color white
Your help is much appreciated. Thanks.