I have webpage with three dropdown boxes on left side (Country Dropdownbox, State Dropdownbox, City Dropdownbox) and these dropdown works independently or one box will depend on another. I have a gridview in right side and the results will be binding to the gridiew by selecting the left side dropdown boxes. I need to implement the caching technology here becasue the web page loading very slow due to large amount of records. For example if i select any country from the first dropdown box and the other two boxes are default (Selected text is "ALL"), then It should display records related to selected country in gridview. Further if I select country and state from the respctive boxes then it should display the related records in the gridview like so on. Now i want do some caching functionality to improve the performance. I tried caching the Dataset while binding to gridview but in my case the results will not be static becasue user every time will select different options from different dropdown boxes and results will come based on the selected options. Is there better solution to achive the above requirement..