I have C# class when converting to VB become with error
The C# class
private void Getbanks(int projectId)
using (UniFinancials_dbEntities uniFinancials_dbEntities = new UniFinancials_dbEntities())
List<int> bankId;
if (BaseGlobals.UserProfile.UserEntity.GroupId == 2)
bankId = (from x in uniFinancials_dbEntities.FV_EmpCoordinatorBank
where x.EmpId == BaseGlobals.UserProfile.UserEntity.EmpId
select x into s
select s.BankId).ToList();
bankId = (from x in uniFinancials_dbEntities.BanksAndProjects
where x.ProjectId == projectId
select x into s
select s.BankId).ToList();
List<BankInformations> dataSource = (from x in uniFinancials_dbEntities.Banks
where bankId.Contains(x.BankId)
select x into bank
select new BankInformations
BankId = bank.BankId,
DomainName = bank.DomainName,
BankName = bank.BankName,
Logo = bank.Logo,
Extension = bank.Extension,
BranchName = bank.BranchName,
Address = bank.Address,
Addedby = bank.Addedby,
AddedDate = bank.AddedDate,
FV_EmpCoordinatorBank = bank.FV_EmpCoordinatorBank.ToList()
Repeater_Banks.DataSource = dataSource;
I convert with telerik and Code Converter VB - C# online
Private Sub Getbanks(ByVal projectId As Integer)
Using uniFinancials_dbEntities As UniFinancials_dbEntities = New UniFinancials_dbEntities()
Dim bankId As List(Of Integer)
If BaseGlobals.UserProfile.UserEntity.GroupId = 2 Then
bankId = (From x In uniFinancials_dbEntities.FV_EmpCoordinatorBank Where x.EmpId = BaseGlobals.UserProfile.UserEntity.EmpId Select x).ToList()
bankId = (From x In uniFinancials_dbEntities.BanksAndProjects Where x.ProjectId = projectId Select x).ToList()
End If
Dim dataSource As List(Of BankInformations) = (From x In uniFinancials_dbEntities.Banks Where bankId.Contains(x.BankId) Select x).ToList()
Repeater_Banks.DataSource = dataSource
End Using
End Sub
When converting from c# to vb the code have parts messing like that example
List<FV_CustomersAddresses> list3 = (from x in uniFinancials_dbEntities.FV_CustomersBasicInfo
where x.CaseDateStarted <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) && x.CaseDateEnded >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) && x.FV_BanksLoansType.InquiryTypeId == item.InquiryTypeId
select x into all
join address in from x in uniFinancials_dbEntities.FV_CustomersAddresses
where x.EmpId == (int?)hfEmpId
select x on all.CustomerId equals address.CustomerId
select address).ToList();
Dim list3 As List(Of FV_CustomersAddresses) = (From x In uniFinancials_dbEntities.FV_CustomersBasicInfo Where x.CaseDateStarted <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) AndAlso x.CaseDateEnded >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(DateTime.Now) AndAlso x.FV_BanksLoansType.InquiryTypeId = item.InquiryTypeId Select x).ToList()
in vb code the part of
join address in from x in uniFinancials_dbEntities.FV_CustomersAddresses