I want to create a 5 star rating in which 5 stars will show. On mouse over, the color of star will change and it will show Bad, Average, Good, Very Good and Excellent. Near stars currently rated and number of raters will show. On mouse over, "currently rated" and "number of raters" will change into "Rate Now!". If you are rating first time then number of raters is increased by 1 and currently rated is calculated by Adding total ratings of raters divided by number of raters. After your rating the result is shown instantly. If you have already rated then in javascript the message will show that you have already rated this article. For checking that you have rated this article, there will be no login page. we can use cookies or other method to check that this user has alraedy rated this article or not. I want to create this 5 Star rating system using jQuery, ASP.Net, C# and SQL Server.How i will create this, please guide me.