I have a listview with its viewstate set to disabled for speed it has to be done this way
I have my first drop down list in the insert row where I can select a value and is displayed in the grid when I click insert, problem is the second drop down list which gets populated by the first drop down selection, does not retain its value it always goes to its first default value after clicking insert and looking at the grid
I have tried to cath the insert row drop down list 2 selected value in the itemcommand and iteminserting events in code behind whilst debugging the code but the value returned is always the first default value, I can not get hold of its value which I can see in the insert row before you click the insert button, I need to get its value so that I can manually add it to the database instead of the default value that is being saved
As the whole listview has its viewstate disabled I enabled the viewstate for drop downlist 2 but it has no effect
So in a nutshell my listview has viewstate disabled and I can not get the value from drop down list 2 it always goes to the first default value, how can i get hold of this value as I can see it when entered into the insert row of the listview, thanks ?