no i cant
as said earlier i have grid in update panel
when grid header column is clicked i get the header cell value which is a data column in javascript function a
javascript function a has a button click initated
button click event in code behind checks for the column datatype
if column datatype=numeric textbox is made visible if its varchar then listbox
suppose user click column1 of datatype varchar , listbox gets displayed but if the user doesnot want , need to press ESC key which has a function B in which i have u r above given script lines
and it does work
but again when user clicks any other column as per the flow text control or listbox shld be displayed by initation of function a
but function a doesnot get initated at all
but if i initate a server side code on ESC button press to do the above post back happens but when user click another header cell function a gets initated
i hope its clear