I have three buttons:
Button A is on the right side (index.aspx) and clicked it display GridTable_A (TestA.ascx - left side)
ButtonAR (for reload/refresh page Gridtable_A) is on the right side (index.aspx)
Button B is on the right side (index.aspx) and clicked it display GridTable_B (TestB.ascx - left side)
ButtonBR (for reload/refresh page GridTable_B) is on the right side (index.aspx) and clicked it display GridTable_B (TestB.ascx)
Button C is on the right side (index.aspx)
Left Side Right Side
GridTable_A BtnA Add IDA: _____ btnEnterA BtnAR
GridTable_B BtnB Add IDB: _____ btnEnterB BtnBR
If I clicked button A (right side) will display table GridTable_A on the left side (Test_A.ascx) and you are viewing GridTable_A and the GridTable_A must stay on the page after refresh page with btnAR
If I clicked the button B (right side) will display table GridTable_B on the left side (Test_B.ascx) and you are viewing GridTable_B and the GridTable_B must stay on the page after refreshing page with btnBR
If I click the button C (right side) it will refresh all page if Gridtable_A or Gridtable_B is on viewing
Also, if I enter IDA number and then I click btnEnterA, it will add in GridTable_A and must stay on the page added in the GridTable_A
if I enter IDB number and then I click btnEnterB, it will add in GridTable_B and must stay on the page added in the GridTable_B
<button type="button" id="btnA" data-id="ListA" data-toggleclass="btnToggle" data-togglepane="tab-pane" class="btn btn-primary btn-md btnToggle " onclick="ToggleButtons('btnA');"> ButtonA</button>
<input type="text" id="AdditemID_A" class ="float-right" placeholder="Add ItemsID_A" data-id="ListA" required="required" name="sAdd ItemsID_A" value="" autofocus />
<button type="button" id="btnAdd_A" onclick="Add_BtnA();" class="btn btn-primary" value="Enter">Enter Button A</button> (if you add item ID after click Enter BtnA must keep on the page GridTable_A )
<button type="button" id="btnB" data-id="ListB" data-toggleclass="btnToggle" data-togglepane="tab-pane" class="btn btn-primary btn-md btnToggle " onclick="ToggleButtons('btnB');"> ButtonB</button>
<input type="text" id="AdditemID_B" class ="float-right" placeholder="Add ItemsID_B" data-id="ListB" required="required" name="Add ItemsID_B" value="" autofocus />
<button type="button" id="btnAdd_B" onclick="Add_BtnB();" class="btn btn-primary" value="Enter">Enter ButtonB</button> (if you add item ID after click Enter BtnAdd_B must keep on the page GridTable_A )
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
If(#sbtnA).click(is true) then reloadpage/update; and stay on the page GridTable_A
alert('You want to Reloading the GridTable_A');
If(#gbtnB).click(is true) then reloadpage/update; and stay on the page Gridtable_B
alert('You want to Reloading the Gridtable_B');
$("#reloadpage").click(function () { so stays on page either you clicked button A (Gridtable_A) or button B (GridTest_B)
alert('You want to Reloading Page');
How do make Button AR function to reload and stay on page B , and button BR in function to reload and stay on the page B.