Hello, can someone help me with this or present other method to do this.
- If i select single file for Archive then to execute the Single File Zip code, If i select folder directory path to Zip to execute the Folder Execute code
- Progressbar to use only 1 progress bar to count total progress + inside the progressbar to show persentages 25% done, 26% and so one.
- Display information from Zip or Unzip inside Textbox,Listview or other like in the image
code is working fine,
but my questions are:
- how to make button for example to select single file or folder path.
If i select single file will use code "Zip single file"
If i select folder path will use code "zip folder" function
And another button2:
Add path directory for Unzip where to unzip it and how to name the file.
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Threading
Imports Ionic.Zip
Public Class Form1
Public Class WorkerOptions
' Fields
'Public Comment As String
'Public CompressionLevel As CompressionLevel
'Public Encoding As String
'Public Encryption As EncryptionAlgorithm
Public Folder As String
'Public Password As String
'Public Zip64 As Zip64Option
'Public ZipFlavor As Integer
Public ZipName As String
Public File As String
End Class
' Delegates for invocation of UI from other threads
Private Delegate Sub SaveEntryProgress(ByVal e As SaveProgressEventArgs)
Private Delegate Sub Buttonclick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Private Delegate Sub FileExtractProgressDel(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ExtractProgressEventArgs)
Private Delegate Sub SetStatusTextInvoker(ByVal Text As String)
Private _workerThread As Thread
Private _saveCanceled As Boolean
Private _totalBytesAfterCompress As ULong
Private _totalBytesBeforeCompress As ULong
Private _nFilesCompleted As ULong
Private _progress2MaxFactor As ULong
Private _entriesToZip As ULong
Private TotalSize As ULong = 0
Private ExtractedSize As ULong = 0
Private LastBtsTransfered As ULong = 0
Private BufferSize As ULong = 0
Dim TargetDir As String = ""
Dim zip1 As ZipFile = Nothing
Dim FicheiroJaExtraidos As Integer = 0
Private Sub KickoffZipup()
'Dim fileName As String = "d:\somefolder\4.5GB-dummy.txt"
Dim pasta As String = "D:\YouTube"
Me._saveCanceled = False
Me._totalBytesAfterCompress = 0
Me._totalBytesBeforeCompress = 0
Me.btnZipUp.Enabled = False
Me.btnZipUp.Text = "Zipping..."
Me.btnCancel.Enabled = True
Me.lblStatus.Text = "Verifying selected folder..."
'options.File = fileName' to zip only one file
Dim options As New WorkerOptions With {
.ZipName = "D:\zipFileCreated.zip",
.Folder = pasta 'to zip a full folder
Me._workerThread = New Thread(AddressOf DoSave) With {
.Name = "Zip Saver thread"
Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor 'change cursor to wait mode
End Sub
Private Sub DoSave(ByVal p As Object)
Dim options As WorkerOptions = TryCast(p, WorkerOptions)
'******************zip a full folder***********************
Using zip1 As New ZipFile
'this is necessary because ZIP can become corrupted if this is activated, however, compression is slower
zip1.ParallelDeflateThreshold = -1
If TextBox_Password.Text <> Nothing Then
zip1.Password = TextBox_Password.Text ' this is the password to UNzip
zip1.Encryption = EncryptionAlgorithm.WinZipAes256 ' encryption of the ZIP
zip1.Password = Nothing 'no password, user didn't input a password
End If
zip1.AlternateEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 ' this will solve the error "illegal characters in path"
zip1.AlternateEncodingUsage = ZipOption.AsNecessary ' and this will solve the same error above
Me._entriesToZip = zip1.EntryFileNames.Count
AddHandler zip1.SaveProgress,
New EventHandler(Of SaveProgressEventArgs)(AddressOf Me.zip1_SaveProgress)
zip1.UseZip64WhenSaving = Zip64Option.Always 'ZIP64 allows you to exceed 4gb in a zip, or 65535 entries in a zip.
End Using
Catch exc1 As Exception
MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Exception while zipping: {0}", exc1.Message))
Me.btnCancel_Click(Nothing, Nothing)
End Try
'****************** /zip a full folder ***********************
End Sub
Private Sub SetProgressBars()
If Me.ProgressBar1.InvokeRequired Then
'Me.ProgressBar1.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(Me, DirectCast(Me.SetProgressBars, IntPtr)))
Me.ProgressBar1.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf SetProgressBars))
Me.ProgressBar1.Value = 0
Me.ProgressBar1.Maximum = Me._entriesToZip
Me.ProgressBar1.Minimum = 0
Me.ProgressBar1.Step = 1
Me.ProgressBar2.Value = 0
Me.ProgressBar2.Minimum = 0
Me.ProgressBar2.Maximum = 1
Me.ProgressBar2.Step = 2
End If
End Sub
Private Sub zip1_SaveProgress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As SaveProgressEventArgs)
Select Case e.EventType
Case ZipProgressEventType.Saving_AfterWriteEntry
Exit Select
Case ZipProgressEventType.Saving_Completed
Exit Select
Case ZipProgressEventType.Saving_EntryBytesRead
Exit Select
End Select
If Me._saveCanceled Then
e.Cancel = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub StepArchiveProgress(ByVal e As SaveProgressEventArgs)
If Me.ProgressBar1.InvokeRequired Then
Me.ProgressBar1.Invoke(New SaveEntryProgress(AddressOf Me.StepArchiveProgress), New Object() {e})
ElseIf Not Me._saveCanceled Then
Me._nFilesCompleted += 1
Me._totalBytesAfterCompress = (Me._totalBytesAfterCompress + e.CurrentEntry.CompressedSize)
Me._totalBytesBeforeCompress = (Me._totalBytesBeforeCompress + e.CurrentEntry.UncompressedSize)
' progressBar2 is the one dealing with the item being added to the archive
' if we got this event, then the add of that item (or file) is complete, so we
' update the progressBar2 appropriately.
Me.ProgressBar2.Value = Me.ProgressBar2.Maximum = 1
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SaveCompleted()
If Me.lblStatus.InvokeRequired Then
Me.lblStatus.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(AddressOf SaveCompleted))
'Me.lblStatus.Invoke(New MethodInvoker(Me, DirectCast(Me.SaveCompleted, IntPtr)))
Me.lblStatus.Text = String.Format("Done, Compressed {0} files, {1:N0}% of original",
((100 * Me._totalBytesAfterCompress) /
End If
End Sub
Private Sub StepEntryProgress(ByVal e As SaveProgressEventArgs)
If Me.ProgressBar2.InvokeRequired Then
Me.ProgressBar2.Invoke(New SaveEntryProgress(AddressOf Me.StepEntryProgress), New Object() {e})
ElseIf Not Me._saveCanceled Then
If (Me.ProgressBar2.Maximum = 1) Then
Dim entryMax As Long = e.TotalBytesToTransfer
Dim absoluteMax As Long = &H7FFFFFFF
Me._progress2MaxFactor = 0
Do While (entryMax > absoluteMax)
entryMax = (entryMax / 2)
Me._progress2MaxFactor += 1
If (CInt(entryMax) < 0) Then
entryMax = (entryMax * -1)
End If
Me.ProgressBar2.Maximum = CInt(entryMax)
End If
Dim xferred As ULong = CULng((e.BytesTransferred >> Me._progress2MaxFactor))
Me.ProgressBar2.Value = IIf((xferred >= Me.ProgressBar2.Maximum),
Dim Porcentagem As Integer
Porcentagem = ProgressBar1.Value / ProgressBar1.Maximum * 100 ' get percentage
Me.lblStatus.Text = String.Format(Porcentagem & "%" & " ----> " & "{0} of {1} files...({2})", (Me._nFilesCompleted + 1), Me._entriesToZip, e.CurrentEntry.FileName)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
End Sub
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnZipUp.Click
Me.KickoffZipup() 'start zipping
End Sub
Private Sub ResetState()
'cancel zipping
'Me.btnCancel.Enabled = False
Me.btnZipUp.Enabled = True
Me.btnZipUp.Text = "Zip it!"
Me.ProgressBar1.Value = 0
Me.ProgressBar2.Value = 0
Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default
'If Not Me._workerThread.IsAlive Then
' Me._workerThread.Join()
'End If
'/cancel zipping
End Sub
Private Sub btnCancel_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnCancel.Click
If Me.lblStatus.InvokeRequired Then
Me.lblStatus.Invoke(New Buttonclick(AddressOf Me.btnCancel_Click), New Object() {sender, e})
Me._saveCanceled = True
End If
Me.lblStatus.Text = "Canceled..."
End Sub
Private Sub btn_extract_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btn_extract.Click
Dim ZipToUnpack As String = "D:\zipFileCreated.zip"
TargetDir = "D:\UnzipNew\"
zip1 = ZipFile.Read(ZipToUnpack)
AddHandler zip1.ExtractProgress, AddressOf FileExtractProgress
'reset these values each time you unzip a folder
BufferSize = CULng(zip1.BufferSize)
TotalSize = 0
ExtractedSize = 0
'get the total size in bytes to be extracted
For Each ent As ZipEntry In zip1
TotalSize += CULng(ent.UncompressedSize)
'if the total size is greater than Integer.MaxValue then divide it down by 1024 before setting the ProgressBar.Maximum
If TotalSize >= Integer.MaxValue Then
ProgressBar1.Maximum = CInt(TotalSize / 1024)
ProgressBar1.Maximum = CInt(TotalSize)
End If
'start the BackgroundWorker and pass the ZipFile to it as an Argument
End Sub
Private Sub FileExtractProgress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ExtractProgressEventArgs)
'check if the form requires to be invoked and invoke a new FileExtractProgressDel delagate
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Me.Invoke(New FileExtractProgressDel(AddressOf FileExtractProgress), New Object() {sender, e})
'if the reported BytesTransferred is greater than 0 then add the number of bytes that where transferred to the ExtractedSize variable
'and set the LastBtsTransfered to the number of bytes that have been transferred so far. Else reset the LastBtsTransfered to 0.
If e.BytesTransferred > 0 Then
ExtractedSize += CULng(e.BytesTransferred - LastBtsTransfered)
LastBtsTransfered = CULng(e.BytesTransferred)
LastBtsTransfered = 0
End If
'again, if the total size is greater than Integer.MaxValue then divide the ExtractedSize by 1024 before setting the ProgressBar.Value
If TotalSize >= Integer.MaxValue Then
ProgressBar1.Value = CInt(ExtractedSize / 1024)
ProgressBar1.Value = CInt(ExtractedSize)
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(sender As Object, e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork
'cast the argument Object type back into a ZipFile type
Dim zfile As ZipFile = CType(e.Argument, ZipFile)
'extract the file(s)
'iterate through the entries and unzip them here in the separate thread
For Each ent As ZipEntry In zfile
If (Not ent.IsDirectory) And ent.UsesEncryption Then
zip1.Password = "password" 'this is the password that was used when the file was zipped
' this file HAS a password
ent.Extract(TargetDir, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently)
FicheiroJaExtraidos = FicheiroJaExtraidos + 1 'count extracted files
' this file DOESN'T HAVE a password
ent.Extract(TargetDir, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently)
FicheiroJaExtraidos = FicheiroJaExtraidos + 1 'count extracted files
End If
Dim Porcentagem As Integer
Porcentagem = ProgressBar1.Value / ProgressBar1.Maximum * 100 ' get percentage
SetStatusText(String.Format(Porcentagem & "%" & " ----> " & "{0} of {1} files...({2})", (FicheiroJaExtraidos), zip1.EntryFileNames.Count, ent.FileName))
End Sub
Private Sub SetStatusText(ByVal Text As String)
' System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(6) ' not needed but here for future reference
If Me.InvokeRequired Then
Me.Invoke(New SetStatusTextInvoker(AddressOf SetStatusText), Text)
lblStatus.Text = Text
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_RunWorkerCompleted(sender As Object, e As RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.RunWorkerCompleted
zip1.Dispose() 'dispose the ZipFile that was created and passed to the BackgroundWorker
zip1 = Nothing
SetStatusText("Extraction complete!")
End Sub
End Class