how to insert multiple image & paragraph on button click using & display it in webpage
i am having 2 SQL table
1st table having title, type.
2nd table having title, image, p1title, paragraph1.
I am having a html page in which there is a title, image, p1title & a paragraph1 & save button.
I want that when I insert a title, image, p1title,paragraph1 & if I require again image, p1title & paragraph to insert it should save all the inserted data to the SQL database.
Means if I require 10 times to insert image, p1title, paragraph1 it should be inserted.
When the webpage is runned it will give the starting p1title, image, paragraph1 having same title to both sqltable & when clicked on it , it will show the title, p1title, image, paragraph1, p1title, image, paragraph1 till number of times saved .