There is a special character in my access database which is Ṣi. It displays as □i in Treeview. What could be the problem? Why is it not displaying as Ṣi in Treeviw?
Private Sub FillTreeView1a()
If conn.State = ConnectionState.Open Then conn.Close()
'get the data..
sda = New OleDbDataAdapter("select Word from tbLexicon where LocalLanguage='" & cmbSelectLang.SelectedItem.ToString & "'", conn)
'initialize the data set
ds = New DataSet()
'now fill the dataset with the result
sda.Fill(ds, "Word")
Dim I%, Category$
'lets count all the rows we got in order to add them to the control
'one by one...
For I = 0 To ds.Tables("Word").Rows.Count - 1
Category = ds.Tables("Word").Rows(I).Item("Word").ToString
'we add the items one by one...
End Sub