Hello everyone, I am trying to take the employee management system into the erp system (Enterprise resource planning ), these are two very different projects and I'm a beginner, what I'm trying to do is when you enter the erp system, you can be able to click the employee management button and directly get into the system with erp's user profile, which means there will be no login information in the employee management system.
I am trying to do that but there are always two errors when it comes to the finishing segment these are:
"Parameterless constructor not defined for this object." or Parser Error Message: Type 'projectnamespace.MvcApplication' could not be loaded."
Line 1: <%@ Application Codebehind="Global.asax.cs" Inherits="projectnamespace.MvcApplication" Language="C#" %>."
what can I do to fix this or do you have any suggestions for what I'm trying to do.