i having a probelm editing data on a datatable . i have loaded data into a datatable and some clounms got null value which i placed that in an on the SP now i want to edit some clounms in the datatble
dt1 = AuthWorkdone.View_AuthorsationReport_WorkDone1(DateTime.Parse(txtStart.Text.Trim()), DateTime.Parse(txtEnd.Text.Trim()));
if ( dt1.Rows.Count >0 ) {
foreach(DataColumn col1 in dt1.Columns) {
col1.ReadOnly = false; }
foreach ( DataRow row1 in dt1.Rows) {
DataTable dtQuote1 = new DataTable();
DataTable dtAuthdetails1 = new DataTable();
dtQuote1 = AuthWorkdone.View_AuthorsationReport_WorkDone7(row1["Internal Reference"].ToString());
if (dtQuote1.Rows.Count > 0) {
row1.SetField("Quote Amount", Decimal.Parse(AuthWorkdone.View_AuthorsationReport_WorkDone8(row1["Internal Reference"].ToString(),
dtAuthdetails1 = AuthWorkdone.View_AuthorsationReport_WorkDone9(row1["Internal Reference"].ToString(), dtQuote1.Rows[0][0].ToString());
if (dtAuthdetails1.Rows.Count > 0)
if (dtAuthdetails1.Rows[0][3].ToString().Equals("T.B.A"))
row1.SetField("Excess", "T.B.A");
row1.SetField("Authorisation Date",DateTime.Parse(dtAuthdetails1.Rows[0][0].ToString()));
row1.SetField("Authorisation Amount", Decimal.Parse(dtAuthdetails1.Rows[0][1].ToString()));
the cloumn "Excess" in the table is varchar
i am getting the following error on this line of code
Cannot set column 'Excess'. The value violates the MaxLength limit of this column.
please can you help the columns has numbers like 0.00 or 500.00 and also words like TBA and ect